
Am 6. Juli gab es Zeugnisse bzw. Reports 🙂 für unsere Kinder. Nach all den Jahren verstehe ich das Bewertungssystem inzwischen relativ gut. Es ist wirklich total anders, als bei uns in Deutschland…  aber meiner Ansicht nach besser und vor allem individueller.

Hier ein paar Auszüge, die mich beim Lesen zum Schmunzeln gebracht haben…



Joel is a happy student who is secure in any new situation he finds himself in.

He is proud of his family and speaks about his sisters and the work his parents do.

Joel likes engaging himself in highly energetic games and makes comments such as he is sweating or thirsty.

Joel has fantastic ideas about how to build and create things with different materials. He is proud to show what he has made and share it with teachers and friends.



Annelie is aware of hygiene and will wash play things when she thinks they are not clean.

When we talked about food, Annelie could say which foods are healthy and which are not healthy. When we made a healthy vegetable soup Annelie tasted it and decided she didn´t like it!



She thinks carefully before she speaks.

Romy is very enthusiastic about all of the artwork she creates. She is a confident artist and takes pride in her work.



Nasya puts so much effort into her art work. Her work is detailed and precise and she will take as much time as she can to complete a task.

Da Nasya in ihrer Klasse die meisten Hauspunkte gesammelt hatte, bekam sie am letzten Schultag noch eine Zertifikat. Und dann gab es noch eine Medallie für ihre Fortschritte im Schwimmen im letzten Schulterm.

nasya zeugnis

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